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Meet Your Coach

Physical Therapist, Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism Coach, & Certified Running Coach 

I see you. I get you. I am with you.

Hello, I’m Jennah!


I’m Mamam to two little boys, experienced endurance athlete, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism Coach, and UESCA Certified Running Coach. I live in beautiful Buena Vista, Colorado, with my family and crew of animals. I love moving my body in the mountains - especially mountain biking, running, and nordic skiing.


My passion is helping moms feel strong and confident in their bodies as they navigate athleticism in their postpartum chapter and beyond.


I am the coach I wish I had five years ago.


My Story

My first son was born via emergency c-section in 2018. Despite my background, I was left feeling bewildered, overwhelmed, and uncertain as a new mom trying to navigate motherhood. I desperately wanted to return to exercising, but now my body was different, and I was dealing with physical symptoms I had never before experienced. As an athlete, I was well-trained to ignore and push through, but this did not serve me well in my first postpartum chapter. My road to healing and returning to activities I loved was long and hard - maybe harder than it needed to be.


I needed an empathetic and experienced coach to

guide me and give me confidence.


I needed a coach to help me listen to my new body and make informed decisions.


I needed a coach to help give myself grace as a new mom in a challenging chapter.


I needed a coach to keep me accountable and hopeful.


After the birth of my second son, I chose to take an intentional, sustainable, flexible, and forgiving path to my postpartum recovery. Today, I’m stronger than I have ever been and have reached athletic goals I truly thought would never be possible . EnduraMamas was created with the goal of supporting moms in all stages so you too can feel strong and confident and move in all the ways that make you feel you again!


I am the coach I wish I had.
And I'm here for you.


Doctor of Physical Therapy- specializing in orthopedics & women’s pelvic health

Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute trained

Certified Pilates Instructor

Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism Coach

United Endurance Sports Coaching Association Certified Running Coach

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Athletic Highlights

Ironman Wisconsin

Boston Marathon

Pikes Peak Marathon

Moab’s Red Hot Ultra 55k Trail Run

Silver Rush 50 mile MTB

Salida 76 Gravel

Crooked Gravel

Tour of Anchorage Skate Ski

Crested Butte Alley Loop 21k & 42k Skate Ski

(and many other marathons, trail races, half marathons, 10k’s, 5k’s, triathlons, mountain bike and cycling races, and nordic ski races!)

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